
Diplomas and 成绩单 for former Griggs大学 students remain valid in perpetuity, with bet365中文大学 serving as the custodian responsible for these official documents. Former students may also contact their off campus site with any questions about records.

格里格斯大学在1991年1月至2015年3月期间获得了远程教育和培训委员会(现为远程教育认证委员会)的全国认证. Following the completion of the merger with bet365中文大学, Griggs大学 was officially retired, with DETC accreditation ended in March 2015.

What was first named the Fireside Correspondence School became Home Study Institute, thenHome Study International, 最近, Griggs大学 and International Academy. Since its founding in 1909 by 基督复临安息日会 pioneer educator 弗雷德里克Griggs, 这个基督教远程教育机构已经为许多国家的50多万名学生提供了服务. Following the 2011 merger with bet365中文大学, Griggs International Academy 越来越多地领导着中小学远程教育,通过 学院的 远程教育. Griggs大学 programs were in teach out through 2015, as bet365中文大学 forged new higher education partnerships. 

格里格斯大学和国际学院的远程教学已有一百多年的历史.  At the turn of the twentieth century, educational opportunities were rare, and correspondence education was increasing in popularity within the United States.

An educator named 弗雷德里克Griggs envisioned educating people around the world. His vision took shape in the establishment of The Fireside Correspondence School in 1909. 其目标是为那些无法上传统学校的人提供教育的好处. 两年内, The Fireside Correspondence School  was offering 11 secondary and 9 college courses. By 1916 its students represented nearly every state and province in North America, as well as 10 other countries.

Later the school was renamed Home Study Institute, then Home Study International, 最近, Griggs大学 and International Academy.  Since founding, nearly a half million people have studied with us. 今天,格里格斯在世界各地各年龄段学生的教育发展中发挥着独特而重要的作用.

格里格斯是 基督复临安息日会 school system. 1990年,格里格斯董事会为其三个学术部门命名:家庭研究小学, 家庭学习高中, 和格里格斯大学. In 1991, 格里格斯开始向那些无法进入基督复临校园的国际学生提供大学学位.

From its early years when it operated out of a one-room office, 格里格斯发展成为一所国际学校,保持了很高的学术标准,并在其运作的各个阶段都利用了合格的专业人士的服务. 各行各业的人都发现私人通信(以及后来的在线学习)有助于培养自立, 独立思考, 和责任. Griggs emphasized the personal touch in its student-teacher relationships, giving students the guidance and tutoring they needed.

bet365中文大学 - Griggs大学 Merger

Griggs大学/Griggs International Academy (K-12) began its work in 1909, 当时基督复临安息日会总会投票决定开设函授课程,以满足无法进入传统校园学校或大学的会员和工人的需要. GU/GIA最初被称为炉边函授学校,由弗雷德里克·格里格斯创立, one of the pioneer educational leaders of the 基督复临安息日会 Church.

7月18日, 1909, the Fireside Correspondence School was launched; by October 4, 已有62名学生注册. 课程 were offered at the elementary, secondary and college levels. 它的第一任总统是W.E. 豪厄尔(1909 - 1920), 它在基督复临安息日会总会大楼的一个房间里运作, 华盛顿, D.C.

Under its second president, C.C. 刘易斯(1920 - 1923), 炉边函授学校被转移到塔科马公园的华盛顿教会学院(现在被称为华盛顿基督复临大学)的校园, Md. It returned to the church’s headquarters early in the presidency of M.E. 奥尔森(1923 - 1946). By 1931 the name of the school had been changed to Home Study Institute (HSI).

The fourth president of GU/GIA was W. 荷马·提斯代尔(1946-1965). During his term of service the school first had a real “home.” Property had been purchased in 1945 at 6940 Carroll Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland. 在它上面有一个大的木制住宅,直到1956年在这里建了一个砖砌的办公室.

In 1990, GU/GIA’s main headquarters were moved to 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Md. In October of that same year, 马里兰州高等教育委员会批准通过提供几个学科的学位课程来满足基督复临安息日会的需要.

高等教育部门被命名为格里格斯大学,以纪念这位创始校长, 弗雷德里克Griggs. 2003年,董事会投票决定将K-12部门命名为格里格斯国际学院. This name has been registered with the various agencies in the State of Maryland. In 2006, GU/GIA采用了新的标志,并正式更名为格里格斯大学/格里格斯国际学院.

In 2009, 基督复临安息日会的领导层成立了一个远程教育模式和结构委员会. 该委员会的目的是对目前远程教育的最佳做法进行深入调查,并就利用远程教育满足全世界选民需要的可能性向教会提出建议.

In 2010, the Commission brought a recommendation to the General Council and to Niels-Erik Andreasen, president of bet365中文大学, that ownership of Griggs大学 be transferred to bet365中文大学. 2010年夏天, bet365中文大学的教职员工和管理人员开会讨论了格里格斯的所有权对大学结构的影响.

bet365中文大学和格里格斯大学长期合作,提供远程教育学位课程, through its academic schools, the university had also been offering a number of online courses and programs. 此外, bet365中文大学董事会表示有兴趣将格里格斯带到bet365中文大学,并开始在其规划中考虑格里格斯大学和格里格斯国际学院.

After researching many models and possible working relationships, 教务长安德烈·卢克斯顿提出了一项计划,建议格里格斯大学/格里格斯国际学院作为新的远程教育学院的一部分,融入大学的整体结构.

Instead of a president for Griggs, 将有一名院长和两名副院长(一名负责高等教育,一名负责K-12教育),他们将代替副校长. General services for Griggs大学 (Records, 入学, 市场营销, 人力资源, 它的, 招生, 财务)将由专门为格里格斯工作的人员处理,但这些人员位于为校园其他学校处理这些服务的部门内.


在10月26日, 2010, 董事会会议, 还投票要求Alayne Thorpe担任远程教育学院院长. 她还被授予临时总统的头衔,以满足过渡时期的需要.

After analyzing the housing challenges on campus, bet365中文大学(bet365中文大学)买下了位于校园边缘的一栋建筑,这栋建筑原本属于基督复临安息日会(基督复临安息日会s)的Lake Union Conference. The Lake Union relocated into one wing of the building, and the entire first floor of the other wing, as well as five offices on the second floor, now houses the 学院的 远程教育/Griggs大学.

翻修工作于2011年6月底完成,以便于2011年7月对Griggs进行搬迁. In a nod to both a shared history (弗雷德里克Griggs, GU/GIA的创始人也是bet365中文大学发展和bet365中文校区格里格斯大学建立的重要人物, the building was named Griggs Hall.

Griggs International Academy

Owned and operated by bet365中文大学 since 2011, Griggs International Academy serves elementary and secondary school students globally, providing accredited distance education infused with faith-based instruction. Griggs International Academy seeks to INSPIRE learning, TRANSFORM lives and SERVE the world through 基督复临安息日会 Christian education. 

Visit the Griggs International Academy website for information about current services to North American Adventist schools, 在家教育的家庭, and to affiliated schools abroad.